Portfolio Analysis
During the wealth creation process, wealth owners may invest in various businesses or portfolios in order to diversify their portfolio risk or for high expected returns. However, and with the passage of time, not all investments realize their expected returns nor do they achieve the desired risk reduction. Moreover, some of these investments may turn out to be cumbersome to monitor or due to regulatory changes, may have adverse consequences to the investors or to their heirs. But often investments or businesses carry with them emotional attachments. An independent financial advisor can objectively:
- Investigates the facts and figures
- Evaluate each investment individually and within the overall portfolio
- Propose options and recommendations
Even if you are convinced of the merits of each investment, having a debate with an unbiased professional could generate tremendous insight.
Debt Optimization
Most Businesses carry debt. That debt was most likely negotiated at the onset or at a time when financing was required. However, times change. Business conditions change. You may own more than one business and may have obtained financing from different banks. It makes perfect sense for a banking specialist to review such obligations and advise on ways to restructure, renegotiate or to consolidate. Knowing the banking world from the inside gives tremendous insight to what bankers are willing to accept in terms and conditions. When successful, the savings obtained can have tremendous impact on the valuation of these businesses.
Wealth Transition
One day most ongoing businesses will pass on to the next generation. If not, they will be liquidated or sold to a different party. Such events, if not carefully planned can have significant financial consequences. Every business owner should give considerable thought into what should happen next. With our vast experience in wealth transition, we can help in the thought process…