When is return of cash is better than return on cash? It is when rates of return are negative. That usually arose when companies or assets lost value over time and selling them resulted in a loss. But today we are living a new era. Governments are willing to borrow your hard earned savings and return
to you a lesser amount than they borrowed. Why? It makes no sense to me. Negative rates are supposed to stimulate economies. Imagine, you used to earn something on money you saved for your retirement. Now guess what, your savings are shrinking! So do you go out on a spending spree or do you try to save more, by consuming less. Somebody please explain to those central bankers, who are entrusted to watch over our financial wellbeing that they are fools.
The outcome of their actions can only be an implosion in the financial markets. Why? because these low or negative rates have artificially inflated the value of financial assets, and once people realize that that GIFT will not last forever, they will all rush to the exits at the same time.